CPP Man Cries Foul
Former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, turned 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaian Communities around the World as "Kwame Mayor" and regarded in International Political Circles as a Fearless Crusader of Democracy, Civil Rights and Human Rights, has accused President John Agyekum Kufuor's ruling government *(with the exception of NPP, as a Political Establishment)* of "Intellectual Cowardice and Thievery"; "State Sponsored Injustice" and "State Sponsored Political Persecution amid subtle Political Harassment", after Kufuor's government once again, failed to give him (any) credit for his 2005 (documented) and published news item by Ghana News Agency (GNA) in which the CPP marverick called upon the Nation to honor her heroes and heroines.The Self-Proclaimed "Re-Incarnation of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah" asked Ghanaians to *(compare)* his story carried by the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on (September 1 2005)* and re-published by Ghana Review International (GRI) on September 9, 2005, --- captioned " Immortalise Ghanaian heroes and heroines - Boateng" - with the latest July 1, 2006 story in the Graphic and also, published on Ghanaweb.Com, captioned, "Ghana Honours Her Heroes, Heroines" !!!.
The CPP activist says he (cannot) accuse NPP as a Political establishment since the NPP as a Political Party has (not) done him wrong, but a [few] elements within the ruling government of President John Agyekum Kufuor, with the full knowledge of the President himself and the office of the President, are responsible and accountable for the systematic stealing of his ideas without giving him any credit and without giving him any compensation for his hard won ideas such as his call for the "importation" of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation to Ghana which he gave a copy to President Kufuor in 1999 - (before Mr. Kufuor became President of Ghana); Boateng's call for erection of statutes for the Martyred Judges which former Government Spokesman, Hon.
Kwabena Agyapong, admitted on Fox FM Radio in 2004 that he read "Kwame Mayor's" Press Release calling for the erection of such Statutes; Boateng's call for State of the Art seat of government or Presidential Palace to be decorated with the Nation's richest resources and regalia to attract tourism --- (Reference to Ghanaweb's published story : "Rename Castle Black House to attract Tourism like the White House"; Boateng's public call to immortalize the "Big Six"; Boateng's call for (Annual) Yaa Asantewaa Festivals or Celebrations, etc.
Reflecting upon the series of injustices against him, Boateng says he suspects that (false and un-substantiated) information about him may have been provided by certain un-ethical "Political Spies" and "Political Terrorists", hence the subtle political harassment - tantamount to "Individually-Tailored Crime Against Humanity" he has been facing and described "Political Terrorists as "Enemies of Democracy"; "Enemies of Freedom"; "Enemies of Liberty"; "Enemies of Civil Rights" and "Enemies of Liberty".
The Pro-Democracy Activist and Pro-American Politician who once earned the nickname "America's Mandela" when he was tortured and put on a "Political Show Trial" in Los Angeles by elements -- *(without the knowledge of the Civilized Federal and State Governments of America)* but morally and ethically defeated the "Political Terrorists" -- ( thanks to President Bill Clinton's White House which ordered the Justice Department to investigate allegations of persecution against Boateng and thanks to "Brave Americans" who condemned the "Hi-Tech Savage and Politically-motivated Trial of Persecution against Boateng), has called upon Civil Rights and Human Rights organizations; Brave Ghanaians, Brave Americans and the Brave International Community to condemn the subtle political harassments and series of politically - motivated and State sponsored injustices being inflicted on him with sheer arrogance and cowardly display of "Show of Power" by elements he describes as "Political Mafias" who may be operating with "Foreign Hands" who have (NO) respect for the noble ideals and ideas of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty and are equally, "Political Terrorists".Boateng appealed to the civilized International, American and Ghanaian Community to expose the "Secret Political Terrorists" who have seriously violated his Human Rights at (any) part of the World and help bring them --- (Political Terrorists) to Justice at United Nations Public Tribunals !!!.
"Kwame Mayor", who says he is qualified to be listed in Guinness Book of Records as the World's Most Persecuted International Politician, recently wrote in a Ghanaweb's story :"In my own birth place of Ghana where a [few] officials within the ruling government of His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kufuor have utilized my ideas --- (some of my ideas have become Monumental in Ghana), I have been treated unfairly and the government institutions have [systematically] refused to tap my resources for Political Reasons" !!!." Ironically, this is the same ruling government of His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kufuor which enjoys utilizing my ideas - [systematically], without giving me any credit or compensation --- for Political Reasons" !!!" Shamefully, those who have exploited my strategic ideas and treated me with callousness have the audacity to talk about Brain Drain !!!", said "Osagyefo" Kwame Boateng." Moreover, many people believe that I am being persecuted for being an Asante who joined a Nationally oriented Political Party, instead of (any) of the Geographically based or Ethnically based leading Political Parties."
The same ruling government which has systematically utilized my ideas without giving me any
# posted by EDIKANFO : 10:39 am