20 January 2006
CPP leadership must go - CPP MPs

CPP leadership must go - CPP MPs
Accra, Jan. 19, GNA - The three Convention Peoples' Party (CPP) Members in Parliament has called on the leadership of the party to resign their positions so that an interim executive can be put in place to supervise the re-organisation of the party.
The three, made up of Mr Freddie Blay, Member of Parliament for Ellembele, Mr Kojo Armah, MP Evalue-Gwira and Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom, MP for Komeda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem made this call at a press conference on Thursday at Accra International Conference Centre.
A statement signed by the three members and read by Dr Nduom said the leadership of the CPP have demonstrated their inability to lead the party to achieve the objective they themselves have loudly and proudly championed.
"We have observed with deep concern and disappointment the situation of lack of effective organisation and common purpose in the CPP."
"The fact of the matter is that there is a leadership crisis within the CPP, which has led to the party achieving disastrous result in the December 2004 elections."
Dr Nduom said the leadership should have stepped down or submitted itself to early elections after the 2004 elections to ensure renewed interest in the organisation.
"The leadership has rather become more intolerant of opposing views on how to rejuvenate the party and seem content to hang on to their positions without regard to the facts on the ground."
The three members noted that the party has remained dormant in the field and has not been able to catch the attention of opinion leaders and the nation at large.
Dr Nduom said the National Democratic Party (NDC) and New Patriotic Party (NPP) on the other hand have energised their members and supporters by renewing the leadership from the polling station to the national level in readiness for the 2008 elections.
"The CPP seems frozen in place at best. The future of the CPP seems bleak when viewed from the current position and gives us great cause for concern."
"We cannot sit by idly and let the current situation continue. Our political tradition is at risk and indeed our parliamentary seats are also at risk."
They contended that they had to fight the 2004 elections without much material and emotional support from the leadership of the party and they were left on their own to fight the elections, as they were independent candidates.
"We do not want a repeat of this experience in 2008 for ourselves or for other comrades."
On the merger talks with the People's National Convention (PNC), the three noted that since February 2004 when the two parties agreed for the unity talks nearly one year of talking has not led to the unity. "It has rather fed the perception of fragmentation and weakness and our opponents fuel this perception."
Dr Nduom said; "the leadership of the two parties are fanning the negative flame of no unity, no victory in 2008." "Consequently, we have decided to work to extend the unity that we have achieved within our ranks in Parliament to our people throughout the country."
"We will lead a renewal by combining our efforts in the field and by offering leadership that will build an effective political organisation capable of competing in the 2008 elections." "From now on we will work with our colleagues in the PNC as members of a united political group."
Dr Nduom said hopefully the two parties through their members in Parliament can achieve the much talked about unity.
"We have no choice but to step up this task in an enthusiastic and selfless way to ensure that our collective voice can influence national development in a positive way."