30 June 2005
Former Chairman of CPP UK branch dies
The UK and Ireland Branch of the Convention People's Party (CPP) on Wednesday announced the death in London of its former chairman, Dr Kojo Hanson. A statement issued in Accra said Dr Hanson, 74, died on June 15 at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich, London.Dr Hanson, who served as a medical doctor in the Ghana Armed Forces, was Ghana's Ambassador to Zaire in the Third Republic. He was Chairman of the UK and Ireland Branch of the CPP from 2000-2002. The statement said funeral arrangements would be announced later.
Source: GNA
PNC/CPP Must Merge Before January 2006
June 2005 marked the 56th Anniversary of the founding of the Convention People’s Party (CPP).
Fifty-six (56) years since the flame of hope was lit on the African continent not just for the then Gold Coast, Trans-Volta Togoland, the Ashanti Protectorate and the Northern Territories, but for the Black race as a whole, the CPP led by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah emerged to lead the anti-colonial struggle of liberation, unity and development of Ghana and Africa.
The CPP always had a clear ideological vision and progressive programme to reconstruct Ghana, within a liberated, united and democratic Africa, into a vibrant economic power, that Malaysia represents today.
Successive governments since the 24th February 1966 overthrow of the CPP government of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah have singularly and spectacularly failed to provide the same vision and programme directed towards improving the living standards and cultural and spiritual needs of our beloved people.
Today Ghana stands at a decisive crossroad; a crossroad which our motherland has been taken by the foreign-controlled negative policy failings in all our national life under the political governance of the conservative New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the liberal National Democratic Congress (NDC) before it.
The government of the conservative NPP has manifestly failed to deliver on its numerous electoral popular promises except for the privileged few in Ghana. The standard of living of the lower majority of Ghanaians has worsened since the NPP formed a conservative government; and this conservative party has no progressive plans for our beloved nation Ghana. As property-owning democrats, who they have consistently told us they are, they are primarily preoccupied with their own private property ownership and not the popular welfare. In line with their conservative philosophy that caters only for a private privileged few, billions of cedis has been spent on Ministerial Cars, billions of cedis acquired corruptly through questionable procurement practices, free fuel continues to be enjoyed by national and regional Ministers and the President has spent billions junketing round the globe like a tourist. They however ask the lower majority of Ghanaians to tighten their belts further, be patient and to hope against hope for a better Ghana.
The conservative NPP came to power on the back of public disenchantment with liberal economic mismanagement, corruption and political misrule that was the defining characteristic and hallmark of the liberal NDC and its militaristic, unconstitutional, dictatorial and undemocratic predecessor, the Provisional National Defence council (PNDC). Today, the liberal NDC who have told us that their philosophy is social democracy have lost all credibility whatsoever and will never again be returned to office by Ghanaians through the ballot box. The lower majority of Ghanaians simply do not find the NDC a credible party.
Therefore, the central crossroad question today is this: should Ghana continue to follow the same failed foreign-dictated path of the conservative-liberal NPP/NDC under whom the economy of Ghana and the political policy of the Ghanaian State has been, and continues to be, externally controlled, or are Nkrumaists going to present to Ghana and the lower majority of our people a clear alternative progressive consensus of a united PNC-CPP Nkrumaist Party based on the humanistic aims and popular objectives of progressivism?
Evidence on the ground demonstrates conclusively that Ghanaians are yearning for liberation from the Liberal-Conservative NDC-NPP, are yearning for a united nation without ethnic divisions and are yearning for a country that is developing progressively. Ghanaians are looking up to a united Nkrumaist Party for the only progressive, credible and durable alternative. Progressives are thus presented with a golden opportunity, rare in history and fatal to let slip, to recapture political power and transform the fortunes of all Ghanaians by setting aside silly distractive arguments over names, symbols, slogans and historical sentimentality. Taking the popular opportunities opened up by the inevitable failings of the conservative-liberal NPP-NDC would however require certain bold strategic initiatives by the PNC/CPP for a united progressive activism that infuses Nkrumaism with new blood and brings it to life once again.
The CPP UK and Ireland therefore calls on the national leadership and membership of both the CPP and the PNC to move rapidly to merge and cement Nkrumaist unity once and for all before 1st January 2006. The new united Nkrumaist Party must directly re-organise its popular structures, popular programmes and progressive ideas and policies as well as its human and material resources to begin a national popular campaign to win office in December 2008 and form a progressive government in January 2009.
There is still a need to transform and industrialise Ghana’s agricultural-based economy and to create new institutions and corporations in areas like housing, construction, shipping, road transport, fishing and agriculture, to provide work and the conditions of happiness for all Ghanaians.
Any person or groups of persons in Ghana today, whoever he or she may be, who will stand in the way of this most noble cause in the name of history rather than focusing on the glorious future, who for whatever reason is opposed to unity, will not be forgiven, by the lower majority of Ghanaians yearning for a progressive CPP government, by the Black peoples of the world and by progressive Nkrumaists.
International Nkrumaists across the globe, our friends and sympathisers in Europe and the United States of America amongst others, in the light of the African Identity, in the love of the African Brotherhood, in the self-determination of the African Personality and in the plan and power of the African Social and Economic Reconstruction, wish such unity well in the full knowledge that it is only a national united Nkrumaist front that can turn the tide for progressivism, the Nkrumaist parties and for Ghana.
Forward Ever to PNC/CPP Unity, Down with Disunity, Long Live Nkrumaist Unity, Long Live the New and Greater CPP
Signed:Kwami Agbodza, Regional Secretary, CPP UK & Ireland BranchKwami_agbodza@yahoo.co.uk
Source: CPP UK & Ireland Branch
25 June 2005
CPP does not recognize "Positive Action Group" - Dowuona
Accra, June 24, GNA -
The Convention People's Party (CPP) on Friday said it did not recognise the "Positive Action Group (PAG) of the CPP" that met in Koforidua and claimed to have removed the Party's Regional Steering Committee from office.
A statement signed by Professor Nii Noi Dowouna, General Secretary of the Party, said: "The National Secretariat of the CPP will like to state in no uncertain terms that there is no officially recognized group as Positive Action Group, let alone constitute itself into a forum to take such actions." It said that the action taken was procedurally wrong, unconstitutional, therefore, null and void.
The statement reminded the signatories to the resolution and those contemplating similar moves of the relevant provisions of the CPP Constitution on the composition and functions of the Regional Executive Committee. "The PAG has members with legal backgrounds and in this regard they should note that the CPP operates with rules and regulations, which are defined by law and will not countenance covert and overt operations that would potentially undermine the progress made at reviving the Party."The statement said the Regional Executive Committee meeting, if properly constituted, had constitutional right to recommend for the consideration of the Central Committee the suspension of any member of the Regional Executive Committee. The Central Committee shall decide within 30 days of receiving the recommendation the fate of the member concerned. The statement urged the regular members of the Party to always endeavour to follow the appropriate channels for solution to their grievances.
Source: GNA
24 June 2005
Eastern Regional CPP form IMC to steer affairs
Koforidua, June 24, GNA -
Convention Peoples Party (CPP) executive members from 14 constituencies in the Eastern Region, calling themselves the "Positive Action Group" (PAG) of the CPP, have passed a vote of "no confidence" in the incumbent Regional Executive and replaced it with a five-member Interim Management Committee (IMC).The IMC had the former Regional Vice Chairman, Mr Fred Osei, as chairman, Mr Kwabena Awuku Lokko and Mr Kwabena Ofori as first and second vice chairmen respectively, Mr A.K. Aikins as secretary and Mr Augustine Ackumey, treasurer.
The resolution signed by 24 executive members and passed at a meeting at Koforidua on Thursday, said they were desirous of "positive action due to the complete ineffectual and incompetent leadership of the Regional Steering Committee and the almost total collapse of our great and indomitable Nkrumaist party in the region." It asked the IMC to convene a regional conference by September for the election of a new regional executive.
Source: GNA
CPP members in C/R unhappy about state of their party
Elmina, May 23, GNA -
Members of the Central Regional Executive Committee of the Convention People's Party (CPP) have appealed to the national leadership of the party to take measures to ensure that the party is made strong and formidable.
They have called on the leadership to strive to stem disunity within the party that, they said, contributed to its abysmal performance in the last general elections.
Members of the committee made the call at a meeting last Saturday to brainstorm as to how they could rekindle "the spirit of the party." They stressed the need for the leadership to mount a fund-raising campaign to ensure that the party is sufficiently resourced. The members said if provided with funds, they could embark on income generating ventures like crop and fish farming and grass-cutter rearing to enable them "to revive the dead constituencies" in the region before the next general elections.
Source: GNA
22 June 2005
CPP doomed without merger of Nkrumaists
Accra, June 21, GNA-
Mr Ibrahim Alabira, acting Northern Regional Chairman of the Convention People's Party (CPP), has observed that without a broad unity among Nkrumaists, "there is no way the political tradition can spring back to political life". "Short of real unity, we will remain insignificant and a laughing stock during elections," he said.
Mr Alabira, former Member of Parliament for Mion, was speaking during a maiden interview with the Ghana News Agency, after an emergency meeting of the Northern Regional Executive of the party in Tamale, has elected him to replace the late Alhaji Issah Mohammed, alias Alhaji Issah Mobila. He expressed pessimism about the prospects of the unity talks between the CPP and the Peoples National Convention if other Nkrumaist parties were not included.
Mr Alabira observed that the failure of Nkrumaists to unite was because of the personal leadership ambitions of some leaders of the Nkrumaist parties. He pledged to use his appointment to build the party in the region, divided by the protracted chieftaincy crises in Dagbon. "I am encouraged by the fact that Northern Region is basically a CPP region". He said the abysmal performance of the CPP in previous General Election was because the party is not visible nationally. Mr Alabira said he would built the party from the grassroots comprising the wards and constituencies in line with the view of the late President Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah that " organisation decides everything". " I will inject some youthfulness into the party to attract the youth and tour the region to rekindle the interest and enthusiasm of members of the party."
Alhaji Mobila was allegedly murdered by three soldiers at the Kamina Barracks of the Sixth Battalion of Infantry in Tamale, on December 9, last year, on suspicion of hoarding arms illegally. A District Magistrate's Court in Tamale has committed the three soldiers charged with the murder to stand trial at a High Court. They are Corporal Yaw Appiah, Private Eric Modzaka and Private Seth Goka.
Source: GNA
Alabira replaces Mobila as CPP Chairman
Accra, June 14, GNA-
The Convention Peoples Party (CPP), has appointed Mr Ibrahim Alabira, former Member of Parliament for Mion, in the Northern Region, as the acting Regional Chairman of the Party. He replaces the late Alhaji Issah Mohammed, alias Alhaji Issah Mobila, who was allegedly murdered by three soldiers at the Kamina Barracks of the Sixth Battalion of Infantry in Tamale, on December 9, last year, on suspicion of hoarding arms illegally.
Mr. Alidu Mahama, parliamentary candidate of the CPP for Damongo-Daboya, in Election 2004 has also been elected as acting Vice- Chairman. A letter issued by Mr Alhassan Mahama, the Regional Secretary of the Party, said the decision was taken during an emergency meeting of the Regional Executive on May 24.
"Honourable Ibrahim Alabira is therefore, hereby authorised to attend meetings of the Central Committee of the party and take up all other responsibilities of the office of Regional Chairman," the letter said. A Regional Congress will ratify the two appointments.
A District Magistrate's Court in Tamale has committed the three soldiers charged with the murder of Alhaji Mobila to stand trial at a High Court. They are Corporal Yaw Appiah, Private Eric Modzaka and Private Seth Goka.
19 June 2005
Wake Up CPP. Where Is The Waya, Waya Spirit?
I have been away from Ghana for some time, however, during the past six years, I have visited my beloved country regularly to see my mother and family. Apart from this, I have been closely following the political events in Ghana, courtesy of a Kwawu woman, who sells the papers in her shop at Daltson Market, London. However, within the last 5 years I have been concerned about the way the CPP, founded by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, has been imploding.
For some time now, some people who claim to have been associated with the Osagyefo have been culprits. Instead of preserving the unity of the party and nurturing new ideas to shape the direction of the party, their pre-dominant interest appears to be in engaging in all sorts of in-fighting to satisfy their various leadership aspirations. There are those who, because they have chains of academic letters attached to their names, think that these give them an automatic right to lead the party. Others have successfully built business empires and believe that this qualifies them to ascend to the leadership of the party. There are yet others who claim to be more Nkrumahists than others, parading under the Nkrumahist banner; they have lost the basic tenet of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah which says, “in unity lies our strength”. These people manoeuvre to lead the party and when they are unsuccessful deliberately initiate divisive programmes by sowing seeds of discontent to split the party. Conveniently they have forgotten that the former leader fought to unite the whole of Africa, so that the African man from the North to the South, and from the East to the West could say we are free at last. Africa is free at last but we are not fully united. The least we can do is to start from basics and build the blocks towards unity so that generations behind us would also follow the same path and complete the unification process.
Let us now consider why these people think they deserve to be leaders and compare the situation with two democracies in the developed world ie Britain and America.
How many doctorate degree holders have been Presidents in America or Prime Ministers in Britain? Yet there are many such qualified people from good Universities who are members of the various parties. What they do is to initiate policies that help to shape the direction of the parties to enable them win elections and they are recognised for this. Some may be made Ministers, Policy Makers, Advisers to the Presidents /Prime Ministers, Ambassadors etcThere are hundreds of businessmen in America and Britain and yet apart from Mr.Perrot of America, and the late Sir Oliver Goldsmith only a few of them have fought for the leadership of the main political parties in their respective countries in recent history. They have nevertheless assisted in providing funds instead of fighting for the leadership slot. I am not suggesting that PhD holders or successful businessmen should not become leaders of the party. What I am suggesting is that they should not use their qualifications or wealth as a springboard to lead the party no matter what the cost to Ghana. On the contrary, these comrades could help create the right atmosphere for people with vision to study the changing world situation in order to propose and adapt new innovative and creative socialist policies to meet the changing world situation.
The corollary of lack of unity is that, the CPP was able to win only one seat out of more than 220 seats. One seat out of more than 220 seats! Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Kofi Baako, N.A Welbeck, Inkumsah , Kojo Botsio, Krobo Edusei , Aaron Ofori Attah, Arko Adjei, and all those who died fighting for the cause of CPP etc must be weeping in their graves.If the CPP is to survive the onslaught of the other political parties, then the members need to recognise that the party can only survive through unity. Jesus Christ said that a house divided against itself can never succeed. If members are not united then even the weakest of enemies will defeat the party. It’s as simply as that!Another important issue is to ensure that our policies remain dynamic and relevant in a fast evolving 21st century world. I recall one of my friend’s father used to say “the wise man may not know where he is going, but it is only a fool who doesn’t know where he is coming from”. We all know that we come from the Nkrumahist/CPP background, in other words, we are all socialists and we are proud to be socialists. But must we remain socialists of the19th Century - must we become what I call the “concrete” and stagnant socialists? (ie a socialist who is unable to adapt to changing situations and unwilling to amend his economic ideology until the forces of change in the world’s economy completely overwhelms him). Perhaps the concrete socialist needs to be reminded that when concrete sets it cannot be remoulded, but can only be broken up to concrete and rubble.
Just look at Rumania, East Germany and the former Soviet Union?I must make it clear that I am not a capitalist. In fact, I used to be an extreme left wing socialist until it became blindingly obvious to me that the socialist policies of 1960’s cannot successfully be applied to 21st Century development programmes. Ekow Duncan in his article “It is time for CPP to wake up“ in the Daily Graphic of Thursday 13th March 2003” touched on this matter. The CPP desperately needs a wake up call if the party is not to wither on the vine. Agreed.
The reason is that the world is evolving and changing at a very fast rate and the competing demand for services makes it imperative that, people cannot indefinitely depend on the state for the provision of all services. The challenge that has faced governments throughout the world is to deliver their objectives in ways that make best and most effective and efficient use of the finite resources at their disposal. It was for this reason that, during the 1980’s there was a shift towards economic pragmatism in the development policies of many governments, covering the broadest possible spectrum of political philosophies throughout the world.In 1984, for example, the Communist Party of the Peoples Republic of China approved urban economic reforms, which included a national policy of privatisation. As a result, market mechanisms were introduced within a highly controlled economy, state owned enterprises were forced to deal with economic realities, the growth of private business was actively solicited. Russia also initiated reforms to include a national policy of privatisation. This dramatic shift in economic policy does not constitute a change in political philosophy. The leadership has chartered a bold plan to stimulate economic growth by creating a vital private sector while maintaining the controls necessary to avoid potential abuses and minimise inequities which might otherwise result from a rapid shift in the control of a large majority of assets.
Against the above background, my advice to the comrades of the present generation of the CPP is that, we desperately need leaders with vision to lead the party and not necessarily PhD holders or wealthy people without vision. Very soon the party will meet again to consider potential candidates for leadership positions within the party. Members should note that their choices will shape the future direction and destiny of the party and consequently, if we are lucky to win a future election, the economic and political direction and fortunes of the nation. It is my sincere hope that people with political foresight and integrity will be selected and we pray the good Lord to bring such good visionaries to the fore to be selected for leadership of the party. I end herewith this spiritual song, which I think should act as a catalyst to the revival of the old CPP spirit :I am pressing on the upward way
New heights I’m gaining every day
Still praying as I’m onward bound
Lord plant my feet on a higher ground.
Lord lift me up and let me stand By faith on Heaven’s table land
A higher plane than I have found
Lord plant my feet on higher ground.
The good Lord will make a way out of no way, if we are honest in dealing with the points adumbrated above.
Source: Dr. Kenneth Harrison Yanney( London)
CPP's Araba Spits Fire
THE FIRST national vice chairperson of the Convention Peoples' Party (CPP), Comrade Araba Bentsi-Enchil, has fired a salvo at a group of party executives which has ganged up to dismiss her as the Central Regional Chairperson of the party at the time she was out of the country.According to her, the plans of the group were nothing but a "mischievous, opportunistic and a front for diabolic persons" who wanted to embark upon such moves for their personal motives.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with The Chronicle, Araba described the group again as "a poodle for self-seeking and unproductive persons who are hell-bent on usurping key positions in the party for stereotype political ambition, to the detriment of CPP and the ordinary people of Ghana."
She maintained that it was unfortunate that they were raising frivolous allegations to suggest that she had misappropriated the funds for the party."I have not done anything to warrant dismissal, not because I am indispensable.
I want to make it clear that the party has not given me any money, I used my own money to secure various constituency offices of the party. I have not misappropriated any money."
Mad. Bentsi-Enchil who suspected a big wig behind the motives of the gang, noted, "The gang does not have the financial clout to convene a meeting in a luxurious hotel to the extent of providing meals and allowances without an external assistance".
Elaborating further on the charges levelled against her by the group as being an "inefficient, undemocratic and scandalous person", she quickly rebuffed them, saying they were "ridiculous and childish".She charged, "I am the only one who is building the party in the region financially with few loyalists. Without me, the CPP will cease to exist in the region. In actual fact, the party would collapse without me and that is why I am opposed to those who do not share the ideologies of the party. I am challenging anyone who had assisted her financially to show up," she submitted.
Mad. Bentsi- Enchil, the Central Regional chairperson of the CPP, noted that ever since she was elected to the post of regional chairperson, not even a cedi has been doled out by national leadership to administer the party, which she averred was contrary to the accusations by the group that she embezzled funds raised in the name of the party at the regional level.
Responding to questions on what she had done for the party, she claimed that, at the time she became regional chairperson, the party had no office to boast of, because it was in arrears over rent, which resulted its eviction. She wondered where the so-called 'big man' of the party was, when the party was without a roof over its head.
The CPP stalwart bemoaned the conduct of the groups calling for her head with unsubstantiated allegations, stressing that the unpatriotic behaviour of the executives, especially the regional secretary of the party, had impeded the smooth running of the party.
"Kofi Aganu adopted the extortionist habit of demanding that I (Madam) should pay the cost of transportation, pen and paper whenever he comes to meeting," she alleged.Mad. Bentsi- Enchil pointed out that Kofi Aganu stopped attending meetings because of her unyielding stance on the latter's 'ill-demand'.
She described such characters as opportunists and labelled the group as an NPP mole trying to destroy Nkrumah posthumously.
Source: Ghanaian Chronicle
CPP members urged to close their ranks

CPP members urged to close their ranks
Accra, June 18 GNA-
Dr Edmond Delle, National Chairman of the Convention People's Party (CPP) on Saturday called on members and supporters of the Party to close their ranks and forge ahead to enable the CPP capture power in 2008. He said no politician in the history of this country could demonstrate the power and effectiveness of leadership as Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah who was leader of the CPP.
Dr. Delle was speaking at a soiree organized by the Party for media personnel in Accra as part of activities to fraternize and provide opportunities for the press to asked pertinent questions about the CPP. The soiree, which attracted both senior and young journalists as well as some party faithful, was to highlight on the programmes and activities of the party.
Dr Delle also said the CPP was still in a discussion with the People's National Convention (PNC) about a proposed merger of the two parties and the coming out with a common constitution. He said discussion between the two parties had reached an advanced stage and it was only the National Congress of the CPP that could endorse or reject the proposal made so far.
Mr Francis Gyan Nwiah, President of the Tertiary Students Association (TESCHART) of the CPP, called on the youth to fully get involved in the activities of the party to bring back it glorious past. He deplored the situation where manufacturing and agricultural investments made by the CPP government in the first Republic had been abandoned or divested whereas the country continued to import items. Mr Nwiah urged the youth in the Party to be abreast with "Nkrumaism," which is the philosophy and ideology of the CPP.
Ms Afo Minlah, Women's League of TESCHART called on the CPP to ensure that women attain equal and active roles at all levels of the party organizational structure. She said the party would also give high priority to women in social, economic and political spheres of our development effort, adding that CPP would support affirmative action for women in all relevant areas of national development.
Source: GNA
Eastern Region CPP salutes members of the party

Eastern Region CPP salutes members of the party
Koforidua, June 18, GNA -
The Eastern Regional Steering Committee of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP) has appealed to the electorate to vote for the party at the next elections to enable it to revamp the industries put up by the First Republic, some of which had been sold out by subsequent regimes at "give-away prices or left to rot."
In a congratulatory message to commemorate the 56th anniversary of the founding of the CPP issued at Koforidua and signed by the Regional Chairman, Nana Owusu Sekyere, the committee also appealed to the leadership of the party to do their best to bring all Nkrumaists sitting on the fence into the fold of the CPP.
The message recalled that the country saw "a great improvement in their lives" under the government of Osagyefo Dr Kwmae Nkrumah during which several industries sprang up all over the country to provide employment, while there was fee free education, excellent healthcare and no single armed robbery.
It said, "unfortunately, Western powers, led by the CIA in concert with nation wreckers, overthrew the progressive government of Osagyefo in 1966 and Ghana has never been the same since", adding, "today, economic hardships and social deprivations are the order of the day."
Source: GNA
14 June 2005
Confusion rocks C/R CPP
Cape Coast, June 13 --
THE CONVENTION People’s Party (CPP) National Chairman, Dr Edmond Delle, has been advised to quickly move in to break the impasse between some executive members of the party in the Central Region and the regional chairperson, Araba Bentsi Enchill, to avert deepening the woes of the party. The advice came from Mr. Aiden Adongo, Cape Coast CPP constituency secretary, when he spoke on the issue with The Chronicle in an interview at the weekend.
According to him, if the party’s hierarchy was serious about reorganizing the once vibrant political party on the African continent, then the national executives should not sit aloof for things to get worse before they act.
Araba Bentsi Enchill has been accused by some regional executive members of pocketing money meant for party activities, leading to poor performance of the party in the last elections.
Adongo said the attitude of the regional executives who appended their signatures to the press statement issued a few weeks ago declaring the sacking of Bentsi Enchill as regional chairman was uncalled for, even though he admitted Enchill herself did not do much work in the region during last December elections.“Those who issued that press statement should have waited till we go to delegate conference whereby if they do not like her as regional chairperson they can register their protest. But what they have done is not in the interest of the party at all,” Adongo said.
He said, although he did not hold brief for any of them, the attitude of the executives did not consolidate the philosophy of Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s socialism, pointing to the fact that some of those executives openly campaigned in favour of the ruling NPP party during last elections.According to Adongo, the party has a chance of filling the gap that NDC and NPP had left, by not living up to the aspirations of Ghanaians and that it is responsibility of the national chairman to ensure sanity prevails so as not to jolt the unity talks that is going on between CPP and PNC.
Source: Chronicle
08 June 2005
CPP US branch objects to change of slogan and symbol
Mr Sackey asked: "Why are we talking unity when there is nothing to unite? "We are already united in our beliefs, principles and philosophy." He said Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the founder of the party named it CPP. "We cannot change slogan and symbol. Osagyefo in his wisdom gave the party the slogan "forward ever, backward never.". "Dr Nkrumah did not say forward ever with service or with honesty or with hard work or with truth or with wisdom, but rather he chose backward never."
Mr Sackey attacked the changing of the party symbol, red cockerel saying; "The rooster is a very caring and benevolent bird that may have a hundred chicks but knows each chick and its needs and peculiarities individually. "It is also very protective of its family and it is proud and regal in its bearing, very few things ever making it move faster than a trot. It is not easily scared and all members of the family subject themselves to the authority of the rooster and just like the rooster the CPP, the welfare of the people is its supreme concern."
"If the People's National Convention (PNC) therefore calls itself an Nkrumaist party, then they should have no problems or difficulties with the slogans and symbols of Nkrumaism. He said there was no way to unite two diverse and opposing points of view and thought and if that was possible the world would still have only one universal church. Mr Sackey said "there should not be compromise on the principles of Nkrumaism."
Source: GNA
CPP Will Shine In 2008 — Aggudey
Aggudey The Presidential candidate of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) in Election 2004, Mr George Aggudey, has said the 2008 general elections presents the party with the finest opportunity to win political power.
This is because the policies of both the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP), which had managed the country since the inauguration of the Fourth Republic, had worsened the plight of the people.
Addressing a section of constituency executives and rank and file of the party at Tarkwa in the Western Region, to thank them for steadfastly rallying behind him and the CPP in the last elections, Mr Aggudey appealed to them not to allow opponents of the party to bait them with material and financial inducements.
According to him, the CPP was the only political party with the track record of establishing a sound material base that led to the creation of wealth during the First Republic and therefore, implored them to arm themselves with real knowledge about such achievements and disseminate them among the vast majority of the people.
“ Comrades, there are a lot of positive developments that the CPP can show for its management of the economy between 1951 and 1966 , and it is therefore your individual and collective responsibility to ensure that the electorate, especially the youth ,appreciate the achievements of the party and what it stood for in Ghana and Africa,” Mr Aggudey said.
He said the disillusionment that had characterised the activities of the people due to bad economic policies since 1992 had resulted in the deterioration in their living conditions.
Mr Aggudey described as ironical the situation where the NDC and NPP promised the people “ heaven but failed to lift them even a millimetre above the earth crust,”
The Election 2004 CPP presidential candidate said it was only a CPP government that could ensure improvement in the social conditions of the people by instituting measures that would give the economy a veritable lifeline.
He catalogued the myriad of problems that confronted the party prior to the conduct of the 2004 Presidential election, which, he said, were self-inflicted.
“ How do you explain the situation where a section of the so-called leading personalities identified, and openly idolised and rooted for the presidential candidates of the NPP and the NDC at the expense of the party’s own candidate”, Mr Aggudey querried.
The Election 2004 CPP presidential candidate , however, advised them not to be despaired of the inability of the party to win the last elections since “ we were our own enemies; some of us openly campaigned against the presidential candidate of the CPP”.
Mr Aggudey urged them to start organising themselves at the polling station levels and gave the assurance that he was still committed to the aspirations of the party.“ I will continue to assist the CPP in whatever capacity I find myself between now and the next general elections,” he said.
Source: Graphic
07 June 2005
PNC urged to continue with unity talks with CPP
Accra, June 6, GNA -
The National Executive Committee of the Peoples' National Convention (PNC) has called on the leadership of the Party to move ahead with the unity talks with the Convention Peoples' Party (CPP).
It said the talks should be along the lines of the understandings so far reached in the draft Constitution and the Joint Nkrumahist political platform documents.
The call was made in a resolution adopted at the end of the Committee's meeting in Tema last Saturday to deliberate on the merger talks involving the two parties.
The resolution signed by Mr Gabriel Pwamang, General Secretary of the Party said the merger was necessary " realising that total unity between the CPP and the PNC is necessary for the regrouping of all Nkrumahists both in and outside Ghana." " Noting that regrouping of all Nkrumahists forces behind a concrete progressive political programme is required in order for the Nkrumahist political movement to re-emerge as the dominant political tradition in Ghana," it added.
It said their support for the merger was in the recognition that the country's history at this particular time bore tremendous prospects for the resurgence of the CPP tradition as the only alternative capable of ensuring real development and giving hope to the people.
Source: GNA
01 June 2005
CPP urged to be more robust, independent
Accra, May 31, GNA -
The National Leadership of the Convention People's Party (CPP) should resolve to adopt a more robust, independent and definitive public profile in order to lay its claim to the Nkrumaist heritage, the UK and Ireland Regional Branch of the Party has said. This was contained in a resolution of the UK and Ireland Regional Branch of the Party held in London in May.
A statement to the Ghana News Agency said another resolution mandated the UK and Ireland Steering Committee to form a UK and Ireland Merger Committee with UK and Ireland members of the People's National Convention (PNC).
This is to unite Nkrumaists in the UK and Ireland, inform and contribute to the PNC/CPP merger process currently taking place in Ghana and to coordinate the unity of Nkrumaists globally.
The conference also elected Mr Nii Armah Akomfrah as Branch Chairman. Other officers elected were Branch Vice-Chairmen, Mr B.B. Ossei and Mr Bright Oduro-Kwarteng; Branch Secretary, Mr Kwami Agbodza; Branch Treasurer, Mr Emmanuel Dougan and Branch Organiser, Mr Joshua Agyekum.The rest were Branch Women's Organiser, Nana Afua Sarpong; Branch Education Secretary, Ms Mercy Akosah and Branch Youth Organiser Mr Kwabena Ohemeng
Source: GNA